Saturday, June 21, 2014

What does a shark with too much time on her fins do? Starts a blog

Hey, so maybe its the warm water messing with my head or the snapper, mutated by lingering BP oil, I munched on last night, but I got this crazy idea to start posting things here.

For starters, and for all you #sillyhumans that haven't found me on Twitter yet, my name is Katharine. They call me Kat for short. I'm a great white shark who was tagged by the research organization Ocearch in August of 2013.

Since then I've traveled nearly 4,000 miles - from Cape Cod down the Eastern seaboard, around Florida and into the Gulf of Mexico. I've popped my dorsal fin out of the water hundreds of times, sending a signal to GPS satellites and creating a ping that Ocearch tracks in real time. 

At first, I thought it was kind of like an ex-boyfriend that wouldn't stop following me (#stalker), but then I found Twitter and discovered more of Ocearch's mission and found my voice. I've talked to all kind of humans - some tiny, some full grown, some really funny, some really scared of me. I'm learning a lot about you. 

But I'll share more about all that history stuff later. 

What you need to know now is that 144 characters aren't enough to answer all your questions. I'll still be on Twitter, but sometimes I just need to explain myself and my thoughts in greater detail - and you know "Ima keep it real."

Thanks for reading, thanks for tracking, thanks for tweeting, but most of all, thanks for keeping an open mind. #ReplaceFearWithFacts.